The AWESOME Community was created on Zenodo where the project’s resources have been stored in open-access (i.e., description, data, inputs/outputs, publications, deliverables). The AWESOME modelling platform is constituted by the following components and corresponding resources:
- Macro level:
- Future scenarios generation
- Demographic and socioeconomic projections
- Climate change scenarios
- Water and food demand (WATNEEDS crop model)
- Energy demand (OSEMOSYS energy model)
- Macro economic models at the Mediterranean/Regional scale
- Integrated Assessment Model (IAM)
- Computable General Equilibrium Model (CGE)
- Future scenarios generation
- Meso level: Model of the Nile River Basin
- Modeling framework based on hydrological models and combined with the results of systems analysis methods with advanced a-posteriori multi-objective optimization algorithms.
- Micro / local level:
- Soilless technologies in the demo site (hydroponics, aquaculture, aquaponics)